I'm trying to use core-animation on a div, to animate its position. To do that, i have to select it with document.getElementById(). The problem is, i have a rather complex structure in my index.html file and i can't find a way to select that div.
Here's index.html structure (i need to select #el): http://i.imgur.com/phWyArO.jpg
My index.html file:
<template is="auto-binding" id="t">
<!-- Route controller. -->
<flatiron-director route="{{route}}" autoHash></flatiron-director>
<!-- Keyboard nav controller. -->
<core-a11y-keys id="keys" target="{{parentElement}}"
keys="up down left right space space+shift"
<core-toolbar class="panel-personal" hidden?="{{shortView}}">
<core-toolbar class="panel-nav">
<paper-tabs valueattr="hash" selected="{{route}}" selectedModel="{{selectedPage}}"
on-core-select="{{menuItemSelected}}" link flex style="width:100%; height:100%;" id="tabs">
<template repeat="{{page, i in pages}}">
<paper-tab><a href="#{{page.hash}}">{{page.date_month}}<br/><small>{{page.date_year}}</small></a></paper-tab>
<nav class="menu">
<div horizontal layout fit>
<core-animated-pages id="pages" selected="{{route}}" valueattr="hash"
on-tap="{{cyclePages}}" flex self-stretch>
<template repeat="{{page, i in pages}}">
<section hash="{{page.hash}}" class="card-wrapper">
<div flex fit>
<div class="card-container" vertical layout fit >
<paper-button raised class="project_button"><a href="{{page.link}}" target="_blank"><core-icon icon="social:share" ></core-icon> visit project</a> </paper-button>
<div center-justified layout fit class="card-content">
<h4>Project description</h4>
<div class="card-background" id="el" fit></div>
How can i select that #el div?