I am using DataTables to create a table, but it is loading awfully slow. I have approx. 9000 records that need to be processed from an SQL server (php is not an option). I am using XML and Spring MVC. I am using an XML and Java to gather the data and put it into a HashSet (i have tried lists also, neither seem faster than the other).
Once I get into JS I am using a for loop to populate my arrays, then I am using that as the "data" for the data tables. My understanding is that using serverSide and "ajax" (in place of data) will speed things up significantly so I was wondering if there was a way to take my arrays and use them as AJAX.
Current code:
var InternationalSet = [];
var storeIndex = 0;
<c:forEach items="${InternationalList}" var="entry">
InternationalSet[storeIndex]= ['', "${entry.getStoreId()}","${entry.getOrderPhone()}","${entry.getAddress1()}","${entry.getCity()}","${entry.getState()}", "${entry.getZip()}", "${entry.getMgrName()}",
"${entry.getFranchiseeName()}", "${entry.getOrglvl6Descr()}","${entry.getCommDescr()}", "${entry.getOrglvl8Name()}", "${entry.getLatitude()}", "${entry.getLongitude()}"];
$('#dataTable').html( '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width: 99%; color:black" class="display compact" id="tableOne"></table>' );
var table = $('#tableOne').DataTable( {
"dom": '<l<t>ip>',
"deferRender": true,
"lengthChange": false,
"data": InternationalSet,
"pageLength": 10,
"orderMulti": false,
"columns": [.....