I am trying to determine which property caused the error. It seems for each type of error the way to get the property is different.
from jsonschema import Draft4Validator
request_json = {
'num_pages': 'invalid',
'duration': 'invalid',
'dne': 'invalid'
schema = {
"patch": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"type": "string"},
"location": {},
"description": {},
"objectives": {},
"num_pages": {"type": "integer"},
"duration": {"type": "integer"}
"required": ["name"],
"additionalProperties": False
v = Draft4Validator(schema['patch'])
errors = []
for error in v.iter_errors(request_json):
print error.__dict__
From this example I would like to construct output with the field and error.
num_pages: 'invalid is not an integer',
duration: 'invalid is not an integer',
'dne': 'unexpected additional property',
'name': 'property is required'
Currently I have the following
if error.relative_schema_path[0] == 'required':
errors.append({error.message.split(' ')[0]: 'Required property'})
elif error.relative_path:
# field: error_message
errors.append({error.relative_path[0]: error.message})
# Additional Field was found
errors.append({error.instance.keys()[0]: error.message})
If there are multiple errors then error.instance.keys()[0] is not guaranteed to be correct.