Is it possible to combine those 2 SPARQL INSERT in

2019-08-06 09:31发布


I want to perform the following queries, to add a relation skos:related between node a and node b :

  PREFIX skos:<>
  INSERT { GRAPH ?graph { ?a skos:related ?b } }
    GRAPH ?graph {
      { ?a skos:inScheme ?scheme } .
      { ?b skos:inScheme ?scheme }
 INSERT { GRAPH ?graph { ?b skos:related ?a } }
   GRAPH ?graph {
     { ?a skos:inScheme ?scheme } .
     { ?b skos:inScheme ?scheme }

I would prefer to send a single query to the RDF store, but can't find a way to do so. Obviously, the queries are here in generic form, and ?a, ?b, ?scheme and ?graph variables are bound with specific values at execution.

Is there a way?


Can't you just assert both directions of the skos:related relation in a single query pattern? I.e.:

PREFIX skos:<>
INSERT { GRAPH ?graph { ?a skos:related ?b . ?b skos:related ?a } }
  GRAPH ?graph {
    { ?a skos:inScheme ?scheme } .
    { ?b skos:inScheme ?scheme }

标签: rdf sparql