Junit test not found system property when run from

2019-08-06 09:11发布


I tried to implement a simple CRUD application and tests with Arquillian based on this tutorial: Java EE with Wildfly and Maven. But when I try to run the tests from Eclipse it throws: org.jboss.arquillian.container.spi.ConfigurationException: jbossHome 'null' must exist. But from command line, use mvn clean install, the tests runs good.

My pom.xml build part.



If I run tests with maven the jboss.home system varibale was set by the surefire plugin, but I can't understand why eclipse can't use this variables from pom.xml.

I looking for a clear solution for this problem. (If it's possible I want to use Eclipse to read this configuration from pom.xml not configure Eclipse run settings. )

Sorry for the grammatical errors, I use my english knowledge rarely.


AFAIK the JUnit Eclipse runner has nothing to do with Maven which is why it can't find your environment variable.

However...so long as you imported your project as a maven project, Eclipse has the m2e plugins and your test class has *Test in the name you should be able to run your JUnit tests by doing:

Alt-Click SomeNameTest.java Run as -> Maven Test


I solve this problem, using remote wildfly container under development, and testing. It runs tests fast, and in eclipse, click Run as Junit test case, so I can run the test what I want.