Which of the following best translates the English statement "If it's rainy, we will watch a movie. Otherwise we will go to the park."
a. if (rainy = true) { gotoAndStop ("movie"); }
b. if (rainy == true) { gotoAndStop ("movie"); }
c. if (rainy = true) { gotoAndStop ("movie"); } else { gotoAndStop ("park"); }
d. if (rainy == true) { gotoAndStop ("movie"); } else { gotoAndStop ("park"); }
My answer would be "d" - is that correct?
Yes, 'd' is the correct answer.
The difference between =
and ==
is that ==
compares and returns a Boolean (true or false) which you operate upon (called 'branching').
is called the assignment operator and while perfectly valid code to write, is not what you normally want to use in an if statement.
if(x = 5) {
Basically means "put 5 instead of x; if x is non-zero call doStuff".
Another thing to note is when it comes to booleans, it's "safer" to write
if (rainy) {
} else {
This is cool too:
gotoAndStop(rainy ? "movie" : "park");
or...try this, does the same.... but looks sexy :)
var activity:String = (rainy) ? "movie": "park";