This question is a slight modification of the bounding box example. I'm trying to understand how to draw simple shapes. I just want to replace the bounding box with a diagonal line from the upperLeft point to the lowerRight point. However, QLine() does not appear to have a show() method and viewport() has no addItem() method. So, I think the line is not being displayed. Here is my modification of the showBoxes method:
def showLines(self):
while self.boxes:
self.boxes.pop() #self.boxes.pop().deleteLater()
#Qline has no deleteLater(). Does that matter?
viewport = self.edit.viewport()
for start, end, ident in db:
rect = self.edit.getBoundingRect(start, end)
x = rect.x()
y = rect.y()
h = rect.height()
w = rect.width()
line = QLine() #QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, viewport)
line.setLine(x,y,x+w,y+h) #box.setGeometry(rect)
# need to show line here?