I'm using Qt and want a platform-independent way of getting the available free disk space.
I know in Linux I can use statfs
and in Windows I can use GetDiskFreeSpaceEx()
. I know boost has a way, boost::filesystem::space(Path const & p)
But I don't want those. I'm in Qt and would like to do it in a Qt-friendly way.
I looked at QDir
, QFile
, QFileInfo
-- nothing!
I know It's quite old topic but somebody can still find it useful.
Since QT 5.4 the QSystemStorageInfo
is discontinued, instead there is a new class QStorageInfo
that makes the whole task really simple and it's cross-platform.
QStorageInfo storage = QStorageInfo::root();
qDebug() << storage.rootPath();
if (storage.isReadOnly())
qDebug() << "isReadOnly:" << storage.isReadOnly();
qDebug() << "name:" << storage.name();
qDebug() << "fileSystemType:" << storage.fileSystemType();
qDebug() << "size:" << storage.bytesTotal()/1000/1000 << "MB";
qDebug() << "availableSize:" << storage.bytesAvailable()/1000/1000 << "MB";
Code has been copied from the example in QT 5.5 docs
The new QStorageInfo class, introduced in Qt 5.4, can do this (and more). It's part of the Qt Core module so no additional dependencies required.
#include <QStorageInfo>
#include <QDebug>
void printRootDriveInfo() {
QStorageInfo storage = QStorageInfo::root();
qDebug() << storage.rootPath();
if (storage.isReadOnly())
qDebug() << "isReadOnly:" << storage.isReadOnly();
qDebug() << "name:" << storage.name();
qDebug() << "filesystem type:" << storage.fileSystemType();
qDebug() << "size:" << storage.bytesTotal()/1000/1000 << "MB";
qDebug() << "free space:" << storage.bytesAvailable()/1000/1000 << "MB";
There is nothing in Qt at time of writing.
Consider commenting on or voting for QTBUG-3780.
I wrote this back when I wrote the question (after voting on QTBUG-3780); I figure I'll save someone (or myself) from doing this from scratch.
This is for Qt 4.8.x.
#ifdef WIN32
* getDiskFreeSpaceInGB
* Returns the amount of free drive space for the given drive in GB. The
* value is rounded to the nearest integer value.
int getDiskFreeSpaceInGB( LPCWSTR drive )
ULARGE_INTEGER freeBytesToCaller;
freeBytesToCaller.QuadPart = 0L;
if( !GetDiskFreeSpaceEx( drive, &freeBytesToCaller, NULL, NULL ) )
qDebug() << "ERROR: Call to GetDiskFreeSpaceEx() failed.";
int freeSpace_gb = freeBytesToCaller.QuadPart / B_per_GB;
qDebug() << "Free drive space: " << freeSpace_gb << "GB";
return freeSpace_gb;
// Check available hard drive space
#ifdef WIN32
// The L in front of the string does some WINAPI magic to convert
// a string literal into a Windows LPCWSTR beast.
if( getDiskFreeSpaceInGB( L"c:" ) < MinDriveSpace_GB )
errString = "ERROR: Less than the recommended amount of free space available!";
isReady = false;
# pragma message( "WARNING: Hard drive space will not be checked at application start-up!" )
I need to write to a mounted USB-Stick and I got the available size of memory with the following code:
QFile usbMemoryInfo;
QStringList usbMemoryLines;
QStringList usbMemoryColumns;
system("df /dev/sdb1 > /tmp/usb_usage.info");
usbMemoryInfo.setFileName( "/tmp/usb_usage.info" );
QTextStream readData(&usbMemoryInfo);
while (!readData.atEnd())
usbMemoryLines << readData.readLine();
usbMemoryColumns = usbMemoryLines.at(1).split(QRegExp("\\s+"));
QString available_bytes = usbMemoryColumns.at(3);
I know that this question is already quite old by now, but I searched stackoverflow and found that nobody got solution for this, so I decided to post.
There is QSystemStorageInfo class in QtMobility, it provides cross-platform way to get info about logical drives. For example: logicalDrives() returns list of paths which you can use as parameters for other methods: availableDiskSpace(), totalDiskSpace() to get free and total drive's space, accordingly, in bytes.
Usage example:
QtMobility::QSystemStorageInfo sysStrgInfo;
QStringList drives = sysStrgInfo.logicalDrives();
foreach (QString drive, drives)
qDebug() << sysStrgInfo.availableDiskSpace(drive);
qDebug() << sysStrgInfo.totalDiskSpace(drive);
This example prints free and total space in bytes for all logical drives in OS. Don't forget to add QtMobility in Qt project file:
CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY += systeminfo
I used these methods in a project I'm working on now and it worked for me. Hope it'll help someone!
this code`s working for me:
#ifdef _WIN32 //win
#include "windows.h"
#else //linux
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statfs.h>
bool GetFreeTotalSpace(const QString& sDirPath, double& fTotal, double& fFree)
double fKB = 1024;
#ifdef _WIN32
QString sCurDir = QDir::current().absolutePath();
ULARGE_INTEGER free,total;
bool bRes = ::GetDiskFreeSpaceExA( 0 , &free , &total , NULL );
if ( !bRes )
return false;
QDir::setCurrent( sCurDir );
fFree = static_cast<__int64>(free.QuadPart) / fKB;
fTotal = static_cast<__int64>(total.QuadPart) / fKB;
#else // Linux
struct stat stst;
struct statfs stfs;
if ( ::stat(sDirPath.toLocal8Bit(),&stst) == -1 )
return false;
if ( ::statfs(sDirPath.toLocal8Bit(),&stfs) == -1 )
return false;
fFree = stfs.f_bavail * ( stst.st_blksize / fKB );
fTotal = stfs.f_blocks * ( stst.st_blksize / fKB );
#endif // _WIN32
return true;