I'm having some seriously strange trouble writing multiple arrays of data to a file. Basically, I'm wanting to store all the array sizes at the top of the file, and then the array data following. This way I can just read the sizes and use that to construct arrays to hold the data on import, and I'll know exactly where each array begins and ends.
Here's the problem: I write the data, but it's different on import. Please take a look at my little test code. At the bottom there are comments about the values.
Thank you very much, fellow programmers! :)
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
int main()
int jcount = 100, // First item in file
kcount = 200,
in_jcount, // Third item in file. jcount is used to find where this ends.
float *j = new float[jcount],
*k = new float[kcount],
for(int i = 0; i < jcount; ++i) // Write bologna data...
j[i] = (float)i;
for(int i = 0; i < kcount; ++i)
k[i] = (float)i;
std::ofstream outfile("test.dat");
outfile.write((char*)&jcount, sizeof(int)); // Good
outfile.write((char*)&kcount, sizeof(int)); // Good
outfile.write((char*)j, sizeof(float) * jcount); // I don't know if this works!
outfile.write((char*)k, sizeof(float) * kcount); // I don't know if this works!
std::ifstream in("test.dat");
in.read((char*)&in_jcount, sizeof(int)); // == jcount == 100, good.
in.read((char*)&in_kcount, sizeof(int)); // == kcount == 200, good.
in_j = new float[in_jcount],
in_k = new float[in_kcount]; // Allocate arrays the exact size of what it should be
in.read((char*)in_j, sizeof(float) * in_jcount); // This is where it goes bad!
in.read((char*)in_k, sizeof(float) * in_kcount);
float jtest_min = j[0], // 0.0
jtest_max = j[jcount - 1], // this is 99.
ktest_min = k[0], // 0.0
ktest_max = k[kcount - 1], // this is 200. Why? It should be 199!
in_jtest_min = in_j[0], // 0.0
in_jtest_max = in_j[in_jcount - 1], // 99
in_ktest_min = in_k[0], // 0.0
in_ktest_max = in_k[in_kcount - 1]; // MIN_FLOAT, should be 199. What is going on here?
delete k;
delete j;
delete in_j;
delete in_k;