I'm building a very basic auth system for specific pages which require a password to view. I've found several other questions that sound similar, but the only ones with clear solutions involve config settings that don't seem to resolve my problem. For some reason $this->Session->write(...)
always returns false.
Here's my config setting:
Configure::write('Session', array(
'defaults' => 'php'
Here's where I try to write the session in the controller action:
private function _handle_auth_attempt( $object ) {
$submitted_pass = $this->request->data['Object']['password'];
$correct_pass = $object['Object']['password'];
$auth_cookie_name = $this->Object->auth_cookie_name($object);
debug($auth_cookie_name); //'Object1.pass'
debug($submitted_pass); //'foobar'
if ( md5($submitted_pass) == md5($correct_pass) ) {
$write1 = $this->Session->write( $auth_cookie_name, md5($submitted_pass) );
$write2 = CakeSession::write( $auth_cookie_name, md5($submitted_pass) );
debug($write1); //FALSE
debug($write2); //FALSE
return TRUE;
$this->Session->setFlash('The password you entered is incorrect.');
$this->redirect( $this->referer() );
Inside _handle_auth_attempt()
I added:
$_SESSION['foo'] = 'bar';
$this->Session-read('foo'); //'bar'
...and they work fine. So I'm pretty sure this isn't a permissions problem.