Scala Option map to another Option

2019-08-06 02:47发布


Is there a way to avoid having to wrap a potentially null result inside another option when mapping from an option.

option.flatMap(arg => Option(arg.somePotentiallyNullValue))

Eg something like

option.optionMap(arg => arg.somePotentiallyNullValue )

I just have a lot of Java code in our codebase that means forever wrapping the results of maps in further Option calls.


What about implicit conversion from nullable type to Option? Declare this somewhere in scope:

implicit def toOption[T](x: T) : Option[T] = Option(x)

Later the compiler will figure it out:


Since flatMap expects Option[T] as a result value, compiler uses toOption implicit conversion like this:

option.flatMap(arg => toOption(arg.somePotentiallyNullValue))


The factory method for Option will turn a null into a None:

scala> val os1: Option[String] = Option(null)
os1: Option[String] = None


I may have misunderstood your question...

If you restrict its scope judiciously, you can use an implicit conversion:

scala> implicit def nullable2Option[T >: Null](t: T): Option[T] = if (t == null) None else Some(t)
warning: there were 1 feature warnings; re-run with -feature for details
nullable2Option: [T >: Null](t: T)Option[T]

scala> val os2: Option[String] = "foo"
os2: Option[String] = Some(foo)

scala> val nullS: String = null
nullS: String = null

scala> val os3: Option[String] = nullS
os3: Option[String] = None

This will work any time there's available type information for the compiler to use to drive the attempt to bridge a value of a nullable type to an Option. E.g., when calling a method (where the types are always explicit).


In order to make things easier you could introduce a new type:

implicit class CheckedOption[T](val option:Option[T])

object CheckedOption {
  @inline implicit def toOption[T](checkedOption:CheckedOption[T]):Option[T] =

Then in your code, where you use the option instance you do something like this:

def use(o:CheckedOption[String]) = {
  o map { value =>
    value + "-Some"
  } getOrElse "None"

val option1:Option[String] = Some(null)
val option2:Option[String] = Some("foo")

use(option1) //> res0: String = None
use(option2) //> res1: String = foo-Some

标签: scala option