I'm using AngularJS, UI-Grid (http://ui-grid.info/), and Bootbox for a project. What I'd like to do is have the user click a button on the screen, and bring up a dialog box where they select an item from a UI-Grid table.
I put together the simplest example I could make:
In this, I generate the dialog box HTML like this:
var tplCrop = '<div ng-controller="MyTableDialogCtrl">{{ someText }}' +
'<div ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-pagination class="grid"></div>' +
var template = angular.element(tplCrop);
var linkFn = $compile(template);
var html= linkFn($scope);
If you click the "My Dialog" button, a dialog comes up, and there is a region for the table, but it's empty. The "someText" value proves my Angular $compile is doing what it should.
If you uncomment the commented section, you'll see that the UI-Grid mechanics also seem to be working properly. But, for some reason, the UI-Grid doesn't want to render inside the dialog.
Any ideas? I'm really stumped.
Thanks, John