I´m using DateTime picker from from this link to get date AND time from user. I´m using bootstrap. Here is my code:
<div id="startDateTimePicker" class="input-append date">
Data e Hora Inícial do Gráfico
<input id="plotStartDate" name="StartDate" data-format="dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss" value="startDateTime" type="text" />
<span class="add-on">
<i data-time-icon="icon-time" data-date-icon="icon-calendar"></i>
<div id="endDateTimePicker" class="input-append date">
Data e Hora Final do Gráfico
<input id="plotEndDate" name="EndDate" data-format="dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss" type="text" />
<span class="add-on">
<i data-time-icon="icon-time" data-date-icon="icon-calendar"></i>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
language: 'pt-BR'
language: 'pt-BR'
When running the system does not show the icon-date and icon-time. I don´t know where to find those.
Can someone please help me to show these icons on screen ?
Is there better option that this plugin to pick Date AND time ? I´ve found several implementations for date or time only, but not for both.