I got problem with the following basic code:
program foo
use mpi
implicit none
type bartype
real(8) :: x
integer :: i
end type bartype
integer :: mpi_bar_type
integer :: &
count=2, &
blocklengths(2)=(/1,1/), &
types(2)=(/mpi_double_precision, &
integer(kind=mpi_address_kind) :: displs(2)
type(bartype) :: bar, bararray(4)
integer :: rank, ierr, i, test(4), addr0
call mpi_init(ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, rank, ierr)
call mpi_get_address(bar, addr0)
call mpi_get_address(bar%x, displs(1))
call mpi_get_address(bar%i, displs(2))
do i=1,2
call mpi_type_create_struct(2,blocklengths,displs,types,mpi_bar_type,ierr)
call mpi_type_commit(mpi_bar_type,ierr)
call mpi_bcast(test, 4, mpi_integer, 0, mpi_comm_world,ierr)
call mpi_bcast(bararray, 4, mpi_bar_type, 0, mpi_comm_world,ierr)
call mpi_finalize(ierr)
end program foo
I get a segfault at the derived type Bcast (with intelMPI and openMPI), an in a debugger (DDT), it is said that this might be an alignment problem...
I already saw this thread, where the problem seems to be the same, but I have still got no solution...
Thanks for helping!
Just try this:
program foo
implicit none
include 'mpif.h'
type bartype
real(8) :: x
integer :: i
end type bartype
integer :: mpi_bar_type
integer :: &
count=4, &
blocklengths(4)=(/1,1,1,1/), &
types(4)=(/MPI_LB,mpi_double_precision, &
integer(kind=mpi_address_kind) :: displs(4)
type(bartype) :: bararray(4)
integer :: rank, ierr, i, test(4)
call mpi_init(ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, rank, ierr)
call mpi_get_address(bararray(1), displs(1))
call mpi_get_address(bararray(1)%x, displs(2))
call mpi_get_address(bararray(1)%i, displs(3))
call mpi_get_address(bararray(2), displs(4))
do i=4,1,-1
call mpi_type_create_struct(4,blocklengths,displs,types,mpi_bar_type,ierr)
call mpi_type_commit(mpi_bar_type,ierr)
print *, "before", bararray
call mpi_bcast(test, 4, mpi_integer, 0, mpi_comm_world,ierr)
call mpi_bcast(bararray, 4, mpi_bar_type, 0, mpi_comm_world,ierr)
print *, "after", bararray
call mpi_finalize(ierr)
end program foo
Note the use of MPI_LB
and MPI_UB
as additional fictitious members of the structure. This is to ensure that the extents of the type is right.
I'm not entirely sure this is the recommended way for doing that according to the standard, but it has always worked for me.
For what I know, the standard says to add a bind(C)
and a sequence
to your type definition, but even though, I'm not sure not setting the upper bound of the type would work since you will have alignment issue I suspect.
EDIT: after the various remarks about MPI_LB and MPI_UB which are indeed deprecated, and a careful re-reading of the standard, I guess the following works and should be compliant.
program foo
implicit none
include 'mpif.h'
type bartype
real(8) :: x
integer :: i
end type bartype
integer :: tmp_type, bar_type
integer :: &
count=4, &
blocklengths(2)=(/1,1/), &
types(2)=(/mpi_double_precision, &
integer(kind=mpi_address_kind) :: displs(2), lb, extent
type(bartype) :: bararray(4)
integer :: rank, ierr, i, test(4)
call mpi_init(ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, rank, ierr)
call mpi_get_address(bararray(1)%x, displs(1))
call mpi_get_address(bararray(1)%i, displs(2))
call mpi_get_address(bararray(1), lb)
call mpi_get_address(bararray(2), extent)
do i=1,2
call mpi_type_create_struct(2,blocklengths,displs,types,tmp_type,ierr)
call mpi_type_commit(tmp_type,ierr)
call mpi_type_create_resized(tmp_type,lb,extent,bar_type,ierr)
call mpi_type_free(tmp_type,ierr)
call mpi_type_commit(bar_type,ierr)
print *, "before", bararray
call mpi_bcast(test, 4, mpi_integer, 0, mpi_comm_world,ierr)
call mpi_bcast(bararray, 4, bar_type, 0, mpi_comm_world,ierr)
print *, "after", bararray
call mpi_type_free(bar_type,ierr)
call mpi_finalize(ierr)
end program foo