ELisp: cl-loop for “Symbol's value as variable

2019-08-05 20:24发布


I'm trying to loop over a pair of lists using (cl-loop for ..) but I keep getting "Symbol's value as variable is void: mode" when the code executes at startup (and with eval-buffer), but not when evaluating it with eval-region.

;; clean up the modeline
(require 'diminish)
(defmacro diminish-after-load (file mode)
  "After loading FILE, execute `diminish' on MODE."
  `(eval-after-load ,file '(diminish ,mode)))
(require 'cl-lib)
(cl-loop for file in '("eldoc"     "rainbow-mode" "hideshow"    "flyspell"
                       "undo-tree" "whitespace"   "smartparens" "auto-complete")
         for mode in '(eldoc-mode       rainbow-mode    hs-minor-mode
                       flyspell-mode    undo-tree-mode  whitespace-mode
                       smartparens-mode auto-complete-mode)
         do (diminish-after-load file mode))

How do I fix this?


Your data structures aren't optimal for the task, i.e. it's a bother to check which file corresponds to which mode. Use this instead:

 (lambda (x)
   (diminish-after-load (car x) (cdr x)))
 '(("eldoc" . eldoc-mode) ("rainbow-mode" . rainbow-mode)
   ("hideshow" . hs-minor-mode) ("flyspell" . flyspell-mode)
   ("undo-tree" . undo-tree-mode) ("whitespace" . whitespace-mode)
   ("smartparens" . smartparens-mode) ("auto-complete" . auto-complete-mode))) 

标签: emacs elisp