I'm trying to make a cross-domain XHR to a secure domain.
I used the following code to do so:
this.post = function (url, data) {
var xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
I use this function with url-encoded string data and https://mydomainx.com/request
as url.
I tested it on Chrome and Firefox, with Chrome Dev Tools / Firebug (looking at requests/response headers). The code works on Chrome (i.e. request sent, appropriate response received).
The unsecure request works on Firefox though (when I use http://mydomainx.com/request
rather than https).
More specifically, on Firefox, the https request seems to be sent: the POST request appears in Firebug with correct request headers, but no response is received. I checked on the endpoint server (mydomainx.com), it does not receive the request (says /var/log/apache2/access.log and error.log). I also displayed status / responseText when xhr.readystate == 4 ----> status = 0, no response text.
I tried making the XHR without data, or with GET instead of POST, and without the content header, and with a text/plain content header => exact same results (works on chrome in http/https, works on firefox with http, does not work on firefox with https).
I spent a lot of time trying to google for an explanation with no success... Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot