Wicket has a couple of options for creating links.
E.g. this
<wicket:link><a href="Page2.html?productId=1694969292874602935">Go to Page 2
This shows it passing in a parameter. However, we cant use as we need the linked to page to popup, and :link autolink page doesnt do this.
The only other way to do a link is like this:
<a href="#" wicket:id="launchlink">click here</a>
The question is, using the above notation, How to I give it a parameter the designers can enter? Something like this:
<a href="#" wicket:id="launchlink" wicket:params="productid=2342">click here</a>
Any ideas?
We could mount the page, then use a hard coded html link, e.g.
<a href="/mount/launch/?productid=asdf">click here</a>
However, we specifically dont want this link to be bookmarkable as its dependent on logged in session etc.
Ideally, we would want to be able to add some parameters dynamically, and use some that the designer has manually added to the html page. This sounds too extreme to be possible, but you never know?