I tried integrating InMobi interstitial ad to my android application by following the instructions mentioned here.
Below is the code I have incorporated in my activity class for displaying interstitial ads.
I get no exceptions but every time I run the code, the callback method onInterstitialFailed gets called displaying the message "The ad request was successful but no ad was found".
Looking forward to responses/solutions
interstitial = new IMInterstitial(this,
"I mention the property_id");
interstitial.setIMInterstitialListener(new IMInterstitialListener() {
public void onShowInterstitialScreen(IMInterstitial arg0) {
Log.i("onShowInterstitialScreen", "inside");
public void onLeaveApplication(IMInterstitial arg0) {
Log.i("onLeaveApplication", "inside");
public void onDismissInterstitialScreen(IMInterstitial arg0) {
Log.i("onDismissInterstitialScreen", "inside");
public void onInterstitialLoaded(IMInterstitial arg0) {
if (interstitial.getState() == IMInterstitial.State.READY) {
Log.i("Inside Interstitial Ready state", "Ready");
public void onInterstitialInteraction(IMInterstitial interstitial,
Map<String, String> params) {
Log.i("onInterstitialInteraction", "inside");
public void onInterstitialFailed(IMInterstitial arg0,
IMErrorCode arg1) {
Log.i("onInterstialFailed", "Failed " + arg1);