
Data Propagation in TPL Dataflow Pipeline with Bat

2019-08-05 17:37发布


In my Producer-Consumer scenario, I have multiple consumers, and each of the consumers send an action to external hardware, which may take some time. My Pipeline looks somewhat like this:

BatchBlock --> TransformBlock --> BufferBlock --> (Several) ActionBlocks

I have assigned BoundedCapacity of my ActionBlocks to 1. What I want in theory is, I want to trigger the Batchblock to send a group of items to the Transformblock only when one of my Actionblocks are available for operation. Till then the Batchblock should just keep buffering elements and not pass them on to the Transformblock. My batch-sizes are variable. As Batchsize is mandatory, I do have a really high upper-limit for BatchBlock batch size, however I really don't wish to reach upto that limit, I would like to trigger my batches depending upon the availability of the Actionblocks permforming the said task.

I have achieved this with the help of the Triggerbatch() method. I am calling the Batchblock.Triggerbatch() as the last action in my ActionBlock.However interestingly after several days of working properly the pipeline has come to a hault. Upon checking I found out that sometimes the inputs to the batchblock come in after the ActionBlocks are done with their work. In this case the ActionBlocks do actually call Triggerbatch at the end of their work, however since at this point there is no input to the Batchblock at all, the call to TriggerBatch is fruitless. And after a while when inputs do flow in to the Batchblock, there is no one left to call TriggerBatch and restart the Pipeline. I was looking for something where I could just check if something is infact present in the inputbuffer of the Batchblock, however there is no such feature available, I could also not find a way to check if the TriggerBatch was fruitful.

Could anyone suggest a possible solution to my problem. Unfortunately using a Timer to triggerbatches is not an option for me. Except for the start of the Pipeline, the throttling should be governed only by the availability of one of the ActionBlocks.

The example code is here:

    static BatchBlock<int> _groupReadTags;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        _groupReadTags = new BatchBlock<int>(1000);

        var bufferOptions = new DataflowBlockOptions{BoundedCapacity = 2};
        BufferBlock<int> _frameBuffer = new BufferBlock<int>(bufferOptions);
        var consumerOptions = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { BoundedCapacity = 1};
        int batchNo = 1;

        TransformBlock<int[], int> _workingBlock = new TransformBlock<int[], int>(list =>

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nWorking on Batch Number {0}", batchNo);
            int sum = 0;

            foreach (int item in list)
                Console.WriteLine("Elements in batch {0} :: {1}", batchNo, item);
                sum += item;

            return sum;


            ActionBlock<int> _worker1 = new ActionBlock<int>(async x =>
                Console.WriteLine("Number from ONE :{0}",x);
                await Task.Delay(500);

                    Console.WriteLine("BatchBlock Output Count : {0}", _groupReadTags.OutputCount);



        ActionBlock<int> _worker2 = new ActionBlock<int>(async x =>
            Console.WriteLine("Number from TWO :{0}", x);
            await Task.Delay(2000);

        }, consumerOptions);



        Task postingTask = new Task(() => PostStuff());


    static void PostStuff()

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

            () => _groupReadTags.Post(100),
            () => _groupReadTags.Post(200),
            () => _groupReadTags.Post(300),
            () => _groupReadTags.Post(400),
            () => _groupReadTags.Post(500),
            () => _groupReadTags.Post(600),
            () => _groupReadTags.Post(700),
            () => _groupReadTags.Post(800)


I have found that using TriggerBatch in this way is unreliable:


Apparently TriggerBatch is intended to be used inside the block, not outside it like this. I have seen this result in odd timing issues, like items from next batch batch being included in the current batch, even though TriggerBatch was called first.

Please see my answer to this question for an alternative using DataflowBlock.Encapsulate: BatchBlock produces batch with elements sent after TriggerBatch()