how to convert string to tuple in erlang?
f.e A="{"hi","how"}"
and i want it to converted into
when i call function list_to_tuple(A)
it gives output as:-{123,60,60,34,106,105,100,34,62,62,44,34,104,105,34,125} rather than {"hi","how"}
You should use erl_scan module to tokenize the string and erl_parse to convert the tokens to a erlang term.
% Note the '.' at the end of the expression inside string.
% The string has to be a valid expression terminated by a '.'.
1> Str = "{\"x\",\"y\"}.".
2> {ok, Ts, _} = erl_scan:string(Str).
3> {ok, Tup} = erl_parse:parse_term(Ts).
4> Tup.