i have a simple site on which people upload videos, so i want to generate a simple thumbnail from an uploaded video. i have tried every trick and way to do this from a number of websites but i am failing to make the command run without problems.
$video = $_FILES['vpopupdropin']["tmp_name"];
$ffmpeg = "C:\\Ffmpeg\\ffmpeg-20130605-git-3289670-win64-static\\bin";
$image = "manu.jpg";
$second = 12;
$size = "150x90";
$command = "$ffmpeg -i $video -an -ss $second -s $size -vcodec mjpeg $image";
echo $command;
echo 'okay';
echo '<img src="'.$image.'"/ >';
echo ' Problem';
i Echoed the the command from PHP and this is what i got: C:\Ffmpeg\ffmpeg-20130605-git-3289670-win64-static\bin -i C:\xampp\tmp\php27F1.tmp -an -ss 12 -s 150x90 -vcodec mjpeg manu.jpg Problem
so i took the Command above and entered it in Cmd and got this error
[image2 @ 00000000000000003d87580] Could not open file : manu.jpg av_interleaved_write_frame(): Input/output error. the uploaded file transfers well to where iam saving it and plays well on the site meaning the file is not corrupt. but the thumbnail command seems to fail, i have even checked the other questions on this site but i seem to fail to get the right solution. the paths in the Command are correct and i have verified that at least