Is there any way I can convert a pair RDD back to a regular RDD?
Suppose I get a local csv file, and I first load it as a regular rdd
rdd = sc.textFile("$path/$csv")
Then I create a pair rdd (i.e. key is the string before "," and value is the string after ",")
pairRDD = x : (x.split(",")[0], x.split(",")[1]))
I store the pairRDD by using the saveAsTextFile()
However, as investigated, the stored file will contain some necessary characters, such as "u'", "(" and ")" (as pyspark simply calls toString(), to store key-value pairs) I was wondering if I can convert back to a regular rdd, so that the saved file wont contain "u'" or "(" and ")"? Or any other storage methods I can use to get rid of the unnecessary characters ?