
ng-bind-html in a svg text tag do not display tspa

2019-08-05 10:26发布


I can't succeed in build an svg with angularjs when tspan are load from ng-bind-html attribute, Firefox and IE do not display them.

My controler look like that :

$scope.titlenotok="svg not ok";
var content = '<tspan dy="20" x="0"  xml:space="preserve">line1 not ok</tspan><tspan dy="30" x="0"  xml:space="preserve">line 2 not ok</tspan>'
$scope.notok = $sce.trustAsHtml(content);

I create a fiddle to illustrate


For chrome it's OK.


Robert was right.

Here is my solution. The secret was to use createElementNS. so that, The browser understand that it is a svg element and not a html element.

Here is the directive

app.directive('multilinesvgtext',  function () {
    var xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
    var myLink = function (scope, elem, attrs) {

        attrs.$observe('contenu', function (val) {
            var data = val;

            var generateTSpan = function (lineOftext) {
                var tspanElement = document.createElementNS(xmlns, 'tspan');
                tspanElement.setAttribute('x', attrs.x);
                tspanElement.setAttribute('dy', attrs.dy);
                tspanElement.setAttribute('class', attrs.class);
                tspanElement.setAttribute('xml:space', 'preserve');
                var tspanContent = document.createTextNode(lineOftext);
                return tspanElement;
            // We delete the old children
            while (elem[0].firstChild) {
            var lines = data.split('\n');
            for(var i= 0; i < lines.length; i++)
                var textContent = lines[i]!=='' ? lines[i] : ' ';
                var newTspanElement = generateTSpan(textContent);
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: myLink

Which can be uses like that :

<text multilinesvgtext  x="30" y="168" fill="#FFFFFF" data-dy="13" class="myclass" data-contenu="{{mydata}}"></text>

My directive add tspan children for each line of text in mydata and use data-dy attribute as dy attribute for this tspan.