I have created a system service that communicates with a zigbee device. Updated APIs and created system.img and flashed on the device and made custom SDK for android programming.
In the Mainactivity class,
try {
ZigbeeManager zm = (ZigbeeManager) getSystemService(Context.ZIGBEE_SERVICE);
zm.write("Hello World!\r");
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.d(TAG, "Error in Zigbee Service: " + ex.toString());
I am getting an error over the words "Context.ZIGBEE_SERVICE". It says "Must be one of : list of all system services" when I put my cursor over it. Using other system services works. Also Zigbee Service is available in the Context.class file just like the other system services.
public static final String WIFI_SERVICE = "wifi";
public static final String WINDOW_SERVICE = "window";
public static final String ZIGBEE_SERVICE = "zigbee";
Now when running it on the device. I get this error message on the logcat.
01-01 12:09:24.126 6874-6874/com.jcxmej.uartcontrol D/UARTControl: Error in Zigbee Service: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'int android.os.IZigbeeService.write(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
The object is Null. Does it need to be intialised but how? But I think it is Null because the context is not linked properly. How do I get rid of the Context error. Or properly add Zigbee service in the Context.
I used this as reference. https://github.com/nayobix/add-new-hardware-hal-android-5-lollipop