Generating QR codes in google-spreadsheet

2019-08-05 10:22发布


I have a simple question about generating QR codes with google-spreadhseet. I am using google's API call


This works fine. Where A3 is a persons first name.

I have their last name in A4 but when I try:



(CONCATENATE(A3, " ", A4)))

The QR box is blank.

How can I generate a QR code from both the first and last name without having to create another field.


Simple as that:


Note that this will only work if A3 and A4 only contain unreserved URL characters; otherwise you need percent encoding as explained in another answer here.


See this other post which gives a full explanation on how to encode data to create the QR code and gives an example on how to take information row by row from a sheet and automatically build QR codes.