How to register path in autoload using a single in

2019-08-05 09:42发布


Sorry about the vague title, but I am trying to find some better alternatives to having to call an Autoloader class, and the register method multiple times, to map class paths as seen below.

$ClassLoader = new Autoloader\Loader(__DIR__.'/path/to/someclass');

$ClassLoader = new Autoloader\Loader(_DIR__.'/path/to/anotherclass');

$ClassLoader = new Autoloader\Loader(__DIR__.'/path/to/anotherclass');

$ClassLoader = new Autoloader\Loader(__DIR__.'/path/to/anotherclass');

$ClassLoader = new Autoloader\Loader(__DIR__.'/path/to/anotherclass');

This goes on and on for about 50 lines, and I would like to know how I can handle the autoloading classes with simple few lines solution. I can obviously inject an array, to the constructor:

 $ClassLoader = new Autoloader\Loader( ['paths'=>[

But, I am not sure if this method is recommended at-least from OOP good practice point of view.


Perhaps this is what you are looking for. For each directory that contains your classes run ::add.

namespace ClassLoader;

class Loader
    protected $directories = array();

    public function __construct()
        spl_autoload_register([$this, 'load']);

    public function add($dir)
        $this->directories[] = rtrim($dir, '/\\');

    private function load($class)
        $classPath = sprintf('%s.php', str_replace('\\', '/', $class));

        foreach($this->directories as $dir) {
            $includePath = sprintf('%s/%s', $dir, $classPath);

            if(file_exists($includePath)) {
                require_once $includePath;

$loader = new Loader();


use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

$finder = new Finder(); 
// Included /var/www/test/vendor/Symfony/Component/Finder/Finder.php
// I put the Symfony components in that directory manually for this example.


It is effectively the same as with composer though, just less adaptive or performant.


For this you can use Composer:

You will get a file called composer.phar. Place this in your project directory, then go to that directory on your command line.

Run php composer.phar init.

This will ask you a few questions which you can ignore, in the end you get a new file called composer.json

It should look something like this:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-0": { "": "src/" }
    "require": {}

Add the autoload field, and replace src/ with the directory containing your classes. Make sure that directory exists.

Then run php composer.phar install.

This will create a directory called vendor. Inside this directory is a file called autoload.php.

Include this file in the bootstrap of your project, and all classes within your source directory will automatically be loaded in.


Have you looked into spl_autoload_register function?


// pre php 5.3
function my_autoloader($class) {
    include 'classes/' . $class . '.class.php';

// Or, using an anonymous function as of PHP 5.3.0
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
    include 'classes/' . $class . '.class.php';

then place all your classes in "classes" folder and when you initialise them with the new keyword, they will be auto-included. Works with static classes also.

for example:

$myClassOb1 = new MyClass();
// will include this file: classes/MyClass.class.php


$email = Utils::formatEmail($emailInput);
// will include this file: classes/Utils.class.php

标签: php oop autoload