I have a issue in validating the form through ng-patter. The ng-pattern validation is depend on the another drop down menu. In the drop down menu, I have two values A and B. For each value, I have different pattern to validate. Now, the problem I am facing is that I am able to called the pattern as per the value but even I put the correct info as per the pattern, still it is showing invalid. For more details please find the below code for more details.
HTML form
$scope.vendors = [
$scope.setVendorName = function(){
$scope.vendor = localStorageService.get("vendorName");
$scope.seatPattern = function(audi){
if(audi.name == 'A'){
return "/^[a-fA-F]+[1-6]{1}/";
return '/^[a-cA-C]+[1-8]{1}/';
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<form class="form" name="userForm" novalidate>
<!-- <li ng-hide="checkRecentOrder()==false">
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#">Tract Your Existing Order</a>
<select name="vendor" ng-model="vendorName" ng-options="vendor.name for vendor in vendors" class="name" required ng-change="setVendorName()">
<option value="">Select Audi</option>
<span class="error" ng-show="userForm.vendor.$error.required && userForm.vendor.$dirty" style="color:#db3721; font-weight:normal;">
<br />Please select one option
<input name="seat"
placeholder="Seat Number "
<span class="error" ng-show="userForm.seat.$dirty && userForm.seat.$invalid" style="color:#db3721; font-weight:normal;">
<span ng-show="userForm.seat.$error.required">
<br />Please enter your seat number
<span ng-show="userForm.seat.$error.maxlength || userForm.seat.$error.minlength || userForm.seat.$error.pattern">
<br />
Please enter seat num alpha numeric (A1) </span>
When I change the value in dropdown, I can see the pattern has been updated but whatever value I insert, it always fail. Can you please check and suggest what could be reason and how can I resolve the issue.