I'd like to run a program when any key is pressed with AutoHotKey
Something like:
AnyKey::Run, D:\my\program\to\run\on\any\key.bat
This code is working perfectly:
SetTimer, AnyKeyPressed, 100
if( A_TimeIdlePhysical < 100 ){
Run, D:\my\program\to\run\on\any\key.bat
A simple solution:
#InstallKeybdHook ; this MUST be called at the start of your script
AnyKeyPressed() ; returns a 1 if any keyboard key is pressed, else returns 0
if( A_TimeIdlePhysical < 25 )
return 1
return 0
Note this function will return 1 if any key is pressed OR being held down, so change your code appropriately.
What happens is; the #InstallKeybdHook
will change the behaviour of A_TimeIdlePhysical
to only look for keyboard events.
You have to check A_TimeIdlePhysical
periodically, not just once on script start:
SetTimer, CheckActivity, 100
if(A_TimeIdlePhysical < 100) {
Run, myNastyPictureMaker.bat
You can use SetTimer
for recurring tasks. The script stops when the first activity was detected; otherwise, it would take a picture every 100 ms (or whatever timeout you set).
P.S: I hope you only want to use such a script on your private PC and not some publically available computer...
Use Input, AnyKey, L1 to wait for any key to be pressed. L1 means after one key was pressed, without a [end] key required. You can check the content of AnyKey, but don't really need to.
Perhaps a list of known keys might work?
keys = ``1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./
Loop Parse, keys
Run, D:\my\program\to\run\on\any\key.bat
This is what comes to mind.
SetTimer, WaitingForKey, 100
Input, LogChar, B I L1 V
LogWord := LogWord . LogChar
ToolTip, % LogWord
;Run, D:\my\program\to\run\on\any\key.bat