I'm currently using DataTables to draw tables in a webpage. I have a table which is not hidden and users can view it without problems. On the other hand, I have a hidden table which has to be exported with the not hidden table at same time.
I want to be able to click on "Export PDF" in the not hidden table and generate a PDF file with both tables, the hidden and the not hidden table.
Could someone help me? I'm a little confused about how to do that.
I havn't tried this but you could attempt to simply trigger the second button from the first.
$("#foo .buttons-pdf").on("click", function() {
$("#bar .buttons-pdf").trigger("click");
The second table will still need to be available in the DOM.
If you have identical tables it is dead easy. Simply have a third (or fourth etc) hidden table you only use for export purposes. When your "PDF" button is clicked follow these steps :
- Beforehand, set the
container to display: none;
so the user never sees flicker or garbage on the screen
- Use the API to collect data from all tables and merge them
- Initialise the hidden export table and use the merged data as
- Trigger the PDF export programmatically
- Clean up the hidden export table so no conflicts occurs when the user tries to export a second time
$('#example').DataTable({ });
$('#example2').DataTable({ });
$('button').on('click', function() {
var data = $('#example').DataTable().table().data();
$.merge( data, $('#example2').DataTable().table().data() );
dom: 'B',
data: data,
buttons: [{
extend: 'pdfHtml5'
drawCallback: function() {
$('#export-table_wrapper .buttons-pdf').click()
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200)
Here is a demo with one visible table, one hidden table and a third table which takes care of the export -> https://jsfiddle.net/u20x4be0/