I'm wondering if anyone has ever needed to implement a Unit Of Work pattern on top of Sitecore's publishing workflows? We have a requirement to workflow an 'article' that has multiple linked 'sub-articles', all of which are edited in a block and need to be workflowed through contribution, review and signoff states. Any ideas?
Update 24.10.2012 based on Kevin Obee comment:
Yes, this look like very interesting approach! Based on it we came up to some similar idea. Instead of creating a temporary workflow for every content item, why not create a temporary “Bundle item” – content item which holds references to all items which has to be in the “change set.” So we move this “Bundle item” through “change sett workflow” and when this move through states will update the states of the included content items in their “content items workflow”. Example: 1. Create/Edit new content item -> it create a new version and show custom windows to assign it to “Bundle item” (the window will have functionality to create new “Bundle item” and then assign the content item to it) 2. One “Bundle item” can hold references to many content items which define our “change set”. 3. The “Bundle item” is automatically set into “Bundle workflow” 4. Moving “Bundle item” through “Bundle workflow” can update the workflow states of the content item 5. “Bundle item” goes to final state of “Bundle workflow” and all references content items change the states for final.