I have set up the following select for changing semesters on page. When the select detects a change, the changeSemesters
function is fired, which runs an AJAX that replaces the current data on the page with data specific to the selected semester.
<select data-bind="options: semestersArr, optionsText: 'name', optionsValue: 'id', value: selectedSemester, event: { change: changeSemesters }"></select>
this.selectedSemester = ko.observable();
//runs on page load
var getSemesters = function() {
var self = this, current;
return $.get('api/semesters', function(data) {
self.semestersArr(ko.utils.arrayMap(data.semesters, function(semester) {
if (semester.current) current = semester.id;
return new Model.Semester(semester);
var changeSemesters = function() {
// run ajax to get new data
The problem is that the change event in the select fires the changeSemester
function when the page loads and sets the default value. Is there a way to avoid that without the use of a button?