Having problems with some intervals here.
The basic concpt is that i have a progress bar function, 1 per row of things, being fed info from a back end script. I ping this script every 5 seconds within an interval to an ajax call.
This works, however there are problems with multiples (ie, a 2nd progress bar calls the same function) or when the item is 'closed' (a div slide) it should stop. This is some very inter-trined code, so i'll try my best to pull out the necessary parts, but note that as it stands, this likely won't run.
a complete walk though- function names have been changed to protect the innocent :)
onlcick, div opens, and this start function is called:
function start(ID){
var request = $.ajax({
url: "script?DO=Start&ID="+ID
, type: "GET"
, cache: false
, dataType: "text"
request.done(function(msg) {
request.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
//alert("Request failed: " + textStatus );
as you can see, this calls the startLoop fnc, which continues to ping the update info script (getInfo()) for info:
function startLoop(ID){
var i = setInterval(function(){
var xstatus = getInfo(ID);
//other stufff that works
}, 5000);
This in and of it self works fine.
If a 2nd click event opens a 2nd window, it simply has a new ID and calls the same functions.
Thus, I have one i interval, and destroying one seems to stop everything. Should i convert i to be an object, like i.ID ?
Also, when stopped, I have an onclick =stop() call, and from outside the loop, I can't seem to stop it.
How do i re-arrange this to make it work?
it should support start, stop, and autoupdating, for 1 or many simultaneous items.