Where should I stick the model folder? I'm confused because python imports modules from somewhere in anaconda (e.g. import numpy), but I can also import data (e.g. file.csv) from the folder in which my jupyter notebook is saved in.
The TF-Slim image models library is not part of the core TF library. So I checked out the tensorflow/models repository as:
cd $HOME/workspace
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/models/
I'm not sure what $HOME/workspace is. I'm running a ipython/jupyter notebook from users/me/workspace/ so I saved it to:
In jupyter, I'll write:
import tensorflow as tf
from datasets import dataset_utils
# Main slim library
slim = tf.contrib.slim
But I get an error:
ImportError: No module named datasets
Any tips? I understand that my tensorflow code is stored in '/Users/me/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/init.pyc' so maybe I should save the new models folder (which contains models/datasets) there?