i cannot for the life of me get postgres connection a remote postgres db.
"Error in postgresqlNewConnection(drv, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (could not connect"
I have RPostgreSQL installed, i have postgres running in the background, my macbook is up to date 10.12.5 macOS sierra.
and still cannot connect
drv <- dbDriver("RPostgreSQL")
> con <- dbConnect(drv, host=hostName,
+ port=portName,
+ dbname=databaseName,
+ user=userName,
+ password=passwordName)
Error in postgresqlNewConnection(drv, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (could not connect
notably..i CAN connect with all the same credentials via postico app.
I am using Windows and here is the code that worked well for me:
Something I thought was really weird that I needed both RPostgreSQL and RPostgres. I tried using only RPostgreSQL or RPostgres and failed with the error you got or something else. But this following order is necessary and worked.
#Create a connection
con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(),
dbname = "REMOTE_DB_NAME",
host = "xx-redshift-xx.yyy.com",
port = "XXXX",
user = "****", password = "****")
Let me know if you run into issues.
I had the same problem. I ended up using the RPostgres
Disclaimer: I wan't able to install the package by following the git_hub instructions exactly;
Here is what I did to successfully install it on windows:
1) Install Rtools
following the instructions here:
2) Install devtools
3) Install Rcpp
and DBI
as the instruction:
4) Download the RPostgres
source file on github by clicking clone and download; Extract it to a folder;
5) Install RPostgres
from the source folder:
install.packages("path_to_downloads/Downloads/RPostgres-master/", repos = NULL, type="source")