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Is there a CSS parent selector?
26 answers
How can I change the background of a parent <div>
when an <input>
or <a>
is :focus'd (or any other dynamic pseudo-class?
<div id="formspace">
<label for="question">
How do I select #formspace for the case when a child is active?</label>
<input type="text" id="question" name="answer"/></form></div>
Unfortunately css doesn't support parent selectors. :(
So the only way to do it is to use javascript like the jQuery parent method.
CSS Selectors Level 4 will support parent selectors!
The only way I can think of is with JavaSCript:
function focusLink(isOnFocus)
if (isOnFocus)
document.getElementById('formspace').className = "<make a focus class name here>";
document.getElementById('formspace').className = "<default class name here>";
<input onFocus="focusLink(true)" onBlur="focusLink(false)">
Hope that helps!