I have a query like this:
unwind {data} as row with row MERGE (p:Book{guid:row.bookGuid}) set p.name=row.name, p:Science
I want to pass the label 'Science' as a parameter as this label is not same for all the rows which I am passing in {data}.
I tried below query, but this is throwing syntax error.
with parameter like: { guid:1, name:"testName1",label1:"Histroy"}
unwind {data} as row with row MERGE (p:Book{guid:row.bookGuid}) set p.name=row.name, p:row.label1
Any workaround?
You can use APOC apoc.create.addLabels()
UNWIND {data} as row WITH row
MERGE (p:Book{guid:row.bookGuid})
SET p.name=row.name
CALL apoc.create.addLabels(id(p), [row.label1])
Another example:
Using Cypher and APOC to move a property value to a label
Yeh it's not supported yet. If you want to make it work you have to do a bit of a hack using FOREACH which you'll have to do for each type of label:
unwind {data} as row with row
FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN row.label = "Science" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
MERGE (p:Book:Science{guid:row.bookGuid})
set p.name=row.name
FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN row.label = "Math" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
MERGE (p:Book:Math{guid:row.bookGuid})
set p.name=row.name
And so on...
I guess that you could structure your data differently:
(:Book {guid, name})-[:HAS_LABEL]->(:Label {name})
In this way you could use the label name as parameter in CREATE or MATCH queries. Your original query would be:
UNWIND {data} as row WITH row
MERGE (p:Book {guid: row.guid})
MERGE (l:Label {name: row.label})
SET p.name = row.name