I run (all on one machine) multiple appium servers connected as nodes to a selenium-grid hub and I have multiple phones connected to my adb on port 5555 (in my case via WiFi).
The issue I have with this is that two of the three phones have capabilities that are matching (Android 7.1.1, Chrome browser). So when I fire up a test for the nexus 9, if occupies the grid node for nexus 6. Or even the other way around, I ask to run the test on the nexus 6, this one get occupied, but the test runs on the nexus 9. So what I want/need is a configuration I can use to make it unique enough to fire up an appium server that only connects to one phone.
My setup
- Windows 10 (x64)
- Ruby v2.3.3 (32 bit) with the gems watir v6.8.4, selenium-webdriver v3.6.0
- Selenium-Standalone-Server v3.6.0
- Appium Desktop v1.2.5 (server v1.7.1)
- Or via command line Appium server v1.6.5
Test devices
- Nexus 5 (phone)- Android 6.0.1 - (in adb devices list)
- Nexus 6 (phone)- Android 7.1.1 - (in adb devices list)
- Nexus 9 (tablet)- Android 7.1.1 - (in adb devices list)
java -jar selenium-standalone-server3.6.0.jar -role hub
Start the appium servers via the command line (or desktop app)
appium -a -p 4723 -bp 4724 --nodeconfig node_nexus5.json
appium -a -p 4725 -bp 4726 --nodeconfig node_nexus6.json
appium -a -p 4727 -bp 4728 --nodeconfig node_nexus9.json
node_nexus6.json (node 5 and 9 are only different in platformVersion, deviceName, udid and applicationName)
"platform": "ANDROID",
"platformName": "Android",
"platformVersion": "7.1.1",
"browserName": "chrome",
"version": "6",
"deviceName": "Nexus6",
"udid": "",
"applicationName": "Nexus6",
"maxInstances": 1
"maxSession": 1,
"register": true,
"registerCycle": 1000,
"hubPort": 4444,
"hubHost": "localhost"
What I tried
The deviceName, applicationName, version capability
browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome, {
url: "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub",
platformName: "Android",
platformVersion: "7.1.1",
browserName: "chrome",
version: "6",
deviceName: "Nexus6",
applicationName: "Nexus6"
When only using the device name, the result was the weirdest. On the grid the nexus 6 was being occupied. But I saw the server I wanted to respond to the nexus 5 to take the job, but it got executed on the nexus 9
When I included the applicationName, the correct grid node was occupied (nexus 6), the appium server I thought was going to respond did respond, but it again executed the test on the nexus 9 device.
Version did the same as applicationName.
Udid I did not try because it will just overwrite this capability like a timeout.
The main question
How can I configure the appium server node to only serve one specific phone without the need for writing a custom capability matcher?