I want to get the name of the arguments of the current function I am in so that I can prepare loading that object from the filesystem if it's not present on the current instance. (for instance if [foo dictTest] is not available I want to load it's prior saved plist version into exactly that ivar)
I want to find the file by providing the ivar name that I provided as an argument to the current function.
This is the function code:
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[self methodSignatureForSelector:_cmd]];
NSString * firstArgument = nil;
[invocation getArgument:&firstArgument atIndex:2];
NSLog(@"Trying to get the objects ivar %@",firstArgument);
// right now during testing return nil
return nil;
As soon as the code reaches the NSLog I am getting a null value from firstArgument.
Why is that? Could it be possible that I would have to wait for the complete invocation of that current method I am in or is it actually better to create a proxy function that implicitly calls my class method via an invocation that eats the ivar name provided by setArgument so that I can use that argument string like I want?
Thanks a lot in advance!
P.S.: In this particular example I do not want to use KVC to identify the ivar and return it.