I'm trying to obtain an image from 3D array and convert it to TIF 3D. I'm using simple ITK but it doesn't work. I obtain this error message : 'in method 'WriteImage', argument 1 of type 'itk::simple::Image const &'
Here's my code:
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
test = np.ones((20,20,20))
-------------------- EDIT LATER ----------------------------
I try by working with "GetImageFromArray" it seems work as i keep the same size and finally i try to save but an error :
"itk::ERROR: TIFFImageIO(0x43e8740): TIFF supports unsigned/signed char, unsigned/signed short, and float"
Here's my code:
test2 = sitk.GetImageFromArray(test)
(20, 20, 20)
sitk.WriteImage(test2, "prout.tif")