i have a need to replace different string in file names. Is there a way to modify a file name using a find replace function in Powershell?
I have done this in a .bat file but would for this to be done in PS instead.
i have a need to replace different string in file names. Is there a way to modify a file name using a find replace function in Powershell?
I have done this in a .bat file but would for this to be done in PS instead.
You didn't provide any details so here's a generic example:
$pattern = "foo"
# Getting all files that match $pattern in a folder.
# Add '-Recurse' switch to include files in subfolders.
$search_results = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\folder" `
| Where-Object { ((! $_.PSIsContainer) -and ($_.Name -match $pattern)) }
foreach ($file in $search_results) {
$new_name = $file.Name -replace $pattern, "bar"
# Remove '-WhatIf' switch to commit changes.
Rename-Item -WhatIf -Path $file.FullName -NewName $new_name
Note that $pattern
will be treated as a regular expression so escape special characters if you need to catch them.