Given a datatable that does not have a total column or row. How can I use LINQ to add a Total Column and Total row to create the table below?
TextColumn, NumberColumn0, NumberColumn1 Total
A 1 4 5
B 2 55 47
C 2.3 DBNULL 2.3
D 4 3 7
Total 9.3 62 61.3
Um, for those who need code. I'm using this currently for total column:
public static void CreateTotalColumnByType(DataTable table, Type valueType)
// create expression
string expression = string.Empty;
// do not count the first column (used for string field)
for (int columnIndex = 1; columnIndex < table.Columns.Count; ++columnIndex)
if (columnIndex != table.Columns.Count - 1)
// add +
expression += String.Format("[{0}] + ", table.Columns[columnIndex].ColumnName);
// last column so don't add plus
expression += String.Format("[{0}]", table.Columns[columnIndex].ColumnName);
// add total column
DataColumn totalColumn = new DataColumn("Total", valueType, expression);
but I'd like to replace it with LINQ.