I'm developping an application in C in a Linux environment. I've noticed that the following code leaks tons of memory after only hundreds executions :
do {
pthread_t flushThread;
pthread_attr_t attr;
logevent_thread_t logThread = { Db , &do_curl };
if (( pthread_attr_init ( &attr ) == 0 ) &&
( pthread_attr_setdetachstate ( &attr , PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED ) == 0 ) ) {
pthread_create ( &flushThread , &attr , (void*)FlushThread , (void*)&logThread );
pthread_attr_destroy ( &attr );
} while(1);
When I started with the code, I only used pthread_create(), but when I noticed the leak, I started google'd and searched StackOverflow, and found the following URLs :
- pthread_create memory leak
- valgrind memory leak errors when using pthread_create
That's why I initialize the attributes and start the thread "detached". I also destroy the attributes. I can not use pthread_join() since I don't want a blocking call, I want my thread to live on his own.
Unfortunately, the leak is still there. I've no more ideas, and will get any further advice !
Thank you !
@arrowdodger: Calling pthread_detach() without setting any kind of attributes also leaks. I also tried with setdetach and pthread_detach() without success.
@drhirsch : I know it leaks because when I have it run for 1 day, I get a "Out Of Memory" kernel panic. Additionnaly, using top I can see more and more memoery dedicated to my process (but I understand the best way to minitor this is to use valgrind).