I have an object:
myObj = {
attendent-0-name:"Bob Smith",
attendent-1-name:"Alex Smith",
attendent-2-name:"Charlie Smith",
I need to create a loop that go through myObj
and find all the id's and then compares them for duplicates. So in this case it would log an error because attendent-0-id
is equal to attendent-2-id
If I do find duplicates I need to set a flag to true;
I have tried a bunch of things and am just stuck at this point. Thanks for any help.
In your case you can go through myObj
using Object.keys() via:
for (const key of Object.keys(obj))
use a plain object as a map to store the previous values of the ids:
const map = {};
use a regex pattern to make sure only the specific ids are evaluated:
const pattern = /^attendent-\d+-id$/;
and then with the help of the map
, log the error on duplicate ids:
if (value in map) {
console.error(`${map[value]} is equal to ${key}, which is ${value}`);
const myObj = {
'attendent-0-id': "123",
'attendent-0-name': "Bob Smith",
'attendent-1-id': "1234",
'attendent-1-name': "Alex Smith",
'attendent-2-id': "123",
'attendent-2-name': "Charlie Smith",
'attendent-maxGuest': 1,
'attendent-party-name': "",
function errorOnDuplicateIds(obj) {
const map = {};
const pattern = /^attendent-\d+-id$/;
for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
if (pattern.test(key)) {
const value = obj[key]
if (value in map) {
console.error(`${map[value]} is equal to ${key}, which is ${value}`);
} else {
map[value] = key
const ids = []; // keep track of found ids
Object.keys(myObj).forEach(key => { // iterate over all properties of myObj
// check if property name is in format "attendent-" *some number* "-id"
if (/^attendent-\d+-id$/.test(key)) {
// check if the id has already been found
if (ids.findIndex(id => id === myObj[key]) !== -1) {
} else {
You can use Object.entries
and a Map
(keyed by value) for this:
var myObj = {"attendent-0-id":"123","attendent-0-name":"Bob Smith","attendent-1-id":"1234","attendent-1-name":"Alex Smith","attendent-2-id":"123","attendent-2-name":"Charlie Smith","attendent-maxGuest":1, "attendent-party-name":""};
var dupes = [...Object.entries(myObj).reduce(
(map, [key,val]) => map.set(val, (map.get(val) || []).concat(key)),
new Map
).values()].filter(keys => keys.length > 1);
This solution does not give any particular meaning to the format of the keys.
Having said that, your object structure looks suspicious of bad design: you should not have enumerations in your object keys. For that you should use arrays.
will create an array of all values and then you can use any way to find duplicate elements in that array.
var myValues = Object.values(myObj); //This will create an array of all values
var uniq = myValues.map((val) => {
return {count: 1, val: val}
}).reduce((a, b) => {
a[b.val] = (a[b.val] || 0) + b.count
return a
}, {});
var duplicates = Object.keys(uniq).filter((a) => uniq[a] > 1)
if (duplicates.length) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
My first advice would be to redefine your object to something more flexible.
let myObject = {
attendants : [
id: "123",
name: "Bob Smith"
id: "456",
name: "Alex Smith"
id: "768",
name: "Charlie Smith"
maxGuest: 1,
partyName: ""
This will allow you to iterate the attendants.
for (var attendant in myObject.attendants){
doSomething(attendant.id, attendant.name);
You can also sort the attendant:
// Sort by id
myObject.attendants.sort(function(left, right){
return left.value - right.value;
// Sort by name
myObject.attendants.sort(function (left, right){
var leftName = left.name.toLowerCase();
var rightName = right.name.toLowerCase();
if (leftName < rightName) return -1;
if (leftName > rightName) return 1;
return 0;
Now, lets assume you don't have a choice. Then it gets complicated.
You need to create (or modify an existent) a sort algorithm so it can use keys that are generated as:
and keep the pair