I'm trying to debug my DJango Paypal IPN integration but I'm struggling. The Django dev server reports a 500 error to the console (but no other details) and the IPN test tool reports a 500 error but no other details.
I've tried disabling the DEBUG
mode to try and get it to send me emails but despite setting up the EMAIL_HOST to something suitable, I'm not seeing any emails. I tried and verifying that the email system is working with a call to send_mail ..but that succeeds and I still see no emails regarding internal server errors.
What could I be missing?
I'm running the dev server from PyCharm and the console output looks like this:
runnerw.exe C:\Python26\python.exe manage.py runserver
Validating models...
0 errors found
Django version 1.4 pre-alpha, using settings 'settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
...response: VERIFIED
Valid: {u'last_name': u'Smith', u'txn_id': u'491116223', u'receiver_email': u'seller@paypalsandbox.com', u'payment_status': u'Completed', u'tax': u'2.02', u'payer_status': u'unverified', u'residence_country': u'US', u'invoice': u'abc1234', u'address_state': u'CA', u'item_name1': u'something', u'txn_type': u'cart', u'item_number1': u'AK-1234', u'quantity1': u'1', u'payment_date': u'14:03:49 Nov 16, 2011 PST', u'first_name': u'John', u'mc_shipping': u'3.02', u'address_street': u'123, any street', u'charset': u'windows-1252', u'custom': u'xyz123', u'notify_version': u'2.4', u'address_name': u'John Smith', u'address_zip': u'95131', u'test_ipn': u'1', u'receiver_id': u'TESTSELLERID1', u'payer_id': u'TESTBUYERID01', u'mc_handling1': u'1.67', u'verify_sign': u'A8SIYWSxkrwNPfuNewSuxsIAatvMAi2mxYjlYvaiWh3Z4BuIQojK3KBO', u'mc_handling': u'2.06', u'mc_gross_1': u'9.34', u'address_country_code': u'US', u'address_city': u'San Jose', u'address_status': u'confirmed', u'address_country': u'United States', u'mc_fee': u'0.44', u'mc_currency': u'USD', u'payer_email': u'buyer@paypalsandbox.com', u'payment_type': u'instant', u'mc_shipping1': u'1.02'}
Logging Transaction..
[16/Nov/2011 22:20:49] "POST /IPN/ HTTP/1.0" 500 104946