I have an unexpected error in my research. Let me show you several code chunks from my research. Hope, you'll help me.
I have two binary variables: alco and smoke that were generated like this:
smoke<- factor(with(df, ifelse((q34<2),1,0)))
alco<-factor(with(df, ifelse((q47==1), 1,0)))
df<- cbind(df, smoke, alco, educ_3, smoke_14)
I tried to analyse a model using zeligverse package
m3<-zelig(cbind(smoke,alco) ~ fem+age+age2+smoke_14+ninc, model = "blogit", data = df)
that lead to the mistake
Error in eval(process.binomial2.data.VGAM) : response must contains 0's and 1's only
I couldn't get it as variables in cbind are binominal.