I am working on a game in unity and want to parse an XML file in a unity script, my file starts with the line
<map version="1.0" orientation="orthogonal" width="16" height="12" tilewidth="64" tileheight="64">
and I want to get the map width attribute,
my code is :
var mapWidth = ((IEnumerable)tiledMapXmlRoot.XPathEvaluate("/@width")).Cast<XAttribute>().Select(a => Int32.Parse(a.Value)).First();
which is working right when I test it in visual studio, but fail when it runs in a unity script, while debugging I can see it fails because XPathEvaluate returns an empty collection of type System.Xml.XPath.SimpleSlashIterator
while in visual studio the returned type is System.Xml.XPath.XPathEvaluator.EvaluateIterator and it is a collection with one element as expected
how is it possible for the same code to work differently in two environments ? I looked at the version of System.Xml.Linq and in visual studio its while in unity (monodevelop script editor) it is but looking at the library documentation the code should still work