I can successfully fetch the data from a Google sheet as a JSON source, with something like the following (just a part of the code):
> var Sheet = 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/SheetKey/od6/public/values?alt=json';
> function callback(data){
> var cells = data.feed.entry;
> .
> .
> .
So when I get the entries this way, I cannot find a way to fetch the "Hyperlink" URL that was added in the Google Sheet, I know I can write it as a new column and fetch it that way, but I am looking for a way to read the Hyperlink that is added to the cell itself, please see the following screenshot, it shows what I am referring to:
So I can fetch "some text", but not the hyperlink "http://www.hyperlink.com", anybody can help?