The problem
I have a view which displays a list of workers. This view has a button which calls a controller method named refresh
. Originally I was setting the content
to this list, but noticed that the UI would flicker, which would be especially annoying once this is run on a timer.
I managed to make everything work without flickering using the following:
App.WorkersIndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend
refresh: ->
console.log 'refreshing workers'
# set a property to a new collection
@set 'refreshing', App.Worker.find()
# observer that watches the new collection load
update: (->
refreshing = @get 'refreshing'
return unless refreshing.get('isLoaded')
# what this question is about... =>
@set 'content', refreshing
As you can see I'm setting the refreshed content to a temporary variable, and observing the loading of the content and then updating the content. The content flickered less until I added a call to
which removed the flicker entirely.
I understand why the flicker is occurring, and I understand why
makes it go away but my question is what is the best way to solve this without resorting to
? I feel like calling is kind of a last resort... Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Also I'm not using ember data. The find
method looks like this:
find: ->
console.log 'loading workers'
workers = Em.A []
request = $.getJSON '/api/admin/workers', (data) =>
console.log ' -> loaded workers'
data.forEach (d) =>
worker = App.Worker.create(d)
worker.set 'isLoaded', true
request.error =>
console.log ' -> failed to load workers'
workers.set 'isFailed', true
request.complete =>
workers.set 'isLoaded', true