Unable to resolve symlink

2019-08-04 08:27发布


When updating my clearcase (snapshot) view I get the following symlink errors:

Unable to resolve symlink "setups.cmd". The symlink target will not be loaded.

Unable to resolve symlink "setup.sh". The symlink target will not be loaded.

Unable to resolve symlink "setupwithdomain.doc". The symlink target will not be loaded.

What do I do or tell my admin to do to get rid of this errors.


Are you on Windows? And with which ClearCase version

There is this IBM Technote, which explains why attempts to create an IBM Rational ClearCase symbolic link on Microsoft® Windows in ClearCase Explorer from a snapshot view fails when the snapshot view root is created with a lower case drive letter.
But that would only be for CC2003.

This thread mentions a similar issue:

We have had problems resolving symlinks when loading snapshot views.
It appears that the resolution of the pathname to the linked file is case sensitive.
The solution for us was to ensure that all symlinks used the correct case for the pathname to the linked file.

标签: clearcase