我正在学习Backbone.js的 ,我在开始的时候漂亮多了。 我想通过添加模板下划线模板的方法,但它不是为我工作。 我搜索了这个错误,但无法自己解决。 我怎样才能前进,如果它没有显示模板。 需要一些帮助球员。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="scripts/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/underscore.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/backbone.js"></script>
var TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
// Cache the template function for a single item.
todoTpl: _.template( $('#item-template').html() ),
events: {
'dblclick label': 'edit',
'keypress .edit': 'updateOnEnter',
'blur .edit': 'close'
// Re-render the titles of the todo item.
render: function() {
this.$el.html( this.todoTpl( this.model.toJSON() ) );
this.input = this.$('.edit');
return this;
edit: function() {
// executed when todo label is double clicked
close: function() {
// executed when todo loses focus
updateOnEnter: function( e ) {
// executed on each keypress when in todo edit mode,
// but we'll wait for enter to get in action
var todoView = new TodoView();
// logs reference to a DOM element that cooresponds to the view instance